Golf Classic Events
17th Annual Golf Classic Events & Individual Event Fees
When: November 1-3: 2019
Venue: Arizona Biltmore Resort
Where: Phoenix, Arizona
Schedule of Events
Friday, November 1
11:00 am Dan’s Diamonds Day Event (2 hours)
6:00 pm Meet and Greet at Arizona Biltmore
Saturday, November 2
10:00 am Western Event at Corona Ranch**
2:30 pm Return from Corona Ranch
5:30 pm Cocktail Hour*
6:30 pm Seena Dinner at the Arizona Biltmore*
Founder — Roger E. Magowitz
Master of Ceremony — Carey Pena
Honoring — Dr. Daniel Von Hoff, TGen Physician-in-Chief
Sunday, November 3
9:00 am Shotgun Start of the Seena Magowitz Golf Tournament at the
Arizona Biltmore Golf Club
1:30 pm Golf Awards Luncheon AZ Biltmore Golf Club
2:30 pm Luncheon Concludes
*Attire for The Saturday Cocktail Hour and The Saturday Seena Dinner Dressy Western. Boots, jeans,
western attire are not only acceptable but are recommended.
**Attire for The Saturday Western Event at The Corona Ranch. Casual or casual western wear.
Individual Participation Opportunities
• One seat at the Saturday Seena Dinner at Arizona Biltmore
• One golfer at the Sunday Golf Tournament
Register at