Their Voices Will Never Go Silent

They Earned Their Wings, But Their Voices Will Never Go Silent
Co-Written By:
Tony Subia and Julia Brabant
October 18,2020
They shared a common goal. A kindred spirit to live life to the fullest extent in spite of fighting the worst of odds.
They left a gift to the world. It is they that gave discovery to medical research that led to more rapid development of innovative treatments. They helped create more intensive collaboration among multiple research institutes that work together to identify new treatments that extend patient quality of life. Incentivized research that focuses on the search for easy methods of early detection when the disease is most treatable. And they have forged the entrance to the pathway to the ultimate mission that one day will lead to the cure of this brutal disease.
Their Contributions To Medical Research Made Measurable Impact
These heroes may have left this world, but their contributions to clinical trials have had a measurable impact on other patients, families, and loved-ones. Hopefully soon, patients that follow will no longer have to hear those traumatic words…….”you have but mere months to live.”
While legacy Heroes are those who lost their lives to pancreatic cancer, they’re also the patients whose efforts and contributions gave their families a degree of comfort in the midst of their grief. Anyone who has ever watched a loved one battle pancreatic cancer can attest that it is monumentally difficult, and at times, even torturous.
Yet, many families of those lost to the disease take comfort in the fact that their loved ones helped pave the way for current and future pancreatic cancer patients to live longer, healthier and more productive and enjoyable lives.
A Source of Strength and Comfort For Families and Loved Ones.
They may have left this world, but the contributions they’ve made to medical research had an immeasurable impact on other patients, families and loved ones involved in the fight against pancreatic cancer, the worst of all cancers and arguable the most difficult to treat.
Each of them gifted us unrelenting inspiration. Were courageous beacons of hope with a passion of life. Their stories shed the light of gallantry and carried the torch of awareness. When the ultimate cure does arrive, it is they that will have helped lite the path.
Original Article: /legacy-heroes-voices-will-never-go-silent/

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