2020 Celebration of Hope Online Gala Event & Silent Auction


Contact: Miranda Landsman
Phone: 936-615-9753
Email: miranda@seenamagowitzfoundation.org


2020 Celebration of Hope Online Gala Event & Silent Auction

PHOENIX AZ–October, 2020: The Seena Magowitz Foundation invites all to its Virtual 2020 Celebration of Hope and Inspiring Fight Against Pancreatic Cancer. The event will celebrate our Pancreatic Cancer Patients and Legacy Heroes who have earned their wings. The Foundation’s goal is funding innovative medical research at a more rapid pace.

Celebration of Hope Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Time Across All Zones: 8 PM EST / 7 PM CST / 6 PM MST / 7 PM PST / 3 PM HST
Tune-In Live: YouTube Seeena Magowitz Foundation Channel, Facebook Live,
or www.seenamagowitzfoundation.org/live-event/. Live with 5 minute countdown

EVENT SPONSORS: Leggett & Platt, Customatic Technologies, and Independence Bed

Silent Auction and Raffle Prizes

Regular raffle tickets for a wide assortment of raffle gifts including a Masters Tournament Flag autographed by Tiger Woods. There will be special raffle tickets for an E-Z-GO Golf Cart valued at $10,000. A silent auction will be held with a wide selection of sought-after items.

Celebration of Hope Scheduled Events

THE WARRIOR SONG. Keeping Hope Alive written and performed by Alyssa Bonagura.
Alyssa Bonagura: Singer Songwriter

THE STATE OF PANCREATIC CANCER. Delivered by 4 world-renowned medical oncology researchers, and surgeons.
Dr. Daniel Von Hoff: Translational Genomics Research Institute in Phoenix
Dr. Douglas Evans: Surgeon.. Medical College of Wisconsin
Dr. Talia Golan: Director of Clinical Trials at Sheba’s Pancreatic Cancer Center in Israel
Dr. Erkut Borazanci: HonorHealth Research Institute in Scottsdale, Arizona

SURVIVOR PANEL DISCUSSION, Featuring several pancreatic cancer patients that have survived for over 20-years
Kay Kays: 26 Year Survivor
Bill Eblin: 21 Year Survivor
Mildred Somerman: 21 Year Survivor
Read Stories of Warrior Patients

Media Support is Appreciated

Join the Seena Magowitz Foundation to help save lives and extend patient quality of life. The Foundation welcomes blog posts, magazine and newspaper articles, and broadcast interviews.

How Your Donation Helps The Fight Against Pancreatic Cancer

Net proceeds intend to increase a more rapid pace of medical research to discover innovative treatments that will extend quality of life for pancreatic cancer patients. Methods of early detection is a major objective and the ultimate mission is an eventual cure.

“It is very humbling to be at the forefront of fighting this brutal disease” said Roger E. Magowitz, the Founder of the Seena Magowitz Foundation in honor of his mother, Seena who died of pancreatic cancer is 2001. The foundation is entering its 20th year. Roger’s motto is “If Not Me, Then Who?”

About The Seena Magowitz Foundation

The Foundation is very proud of earning the highest award of distinction of “Platinum Seal of Transparency” from GuideStar. We are particularly proud that with only one exception, the foundation has no compensated staff. It also has no brick and mortar overhead. In fact, its volunteer staff maintains its own cell phones and at-home work space. All meetings are held with Zoom technology. Our operating style guarantees the largest possible percentage of net donor funding is allocated to medical research.

Read More About The Foundation: https://smf-archive.flywheelsites.com/