Patient Stories
In the realm of cancer battles, pancreatic cancer stands as one of the most formidable foes. Its stealthy onset and aggressive nature make it a particularly challenging adversary. Yet, amidst this struggle, there are beacons of hope – survivors who defy the odds and share their journeys to inspire others. The Seena Magowitz Foundation has chronicled several such stories, offering insights into the battles, victories, and the relentless spirit of pancreatic cancer warriors.

Stan Vitikas
17 Years Strong: Pancreatic Cancer Patient-Turned Prolific Fundraiser Stan Vitikas Raised More Than $500,000 for Research

Kay Kays
Kay Kays is a 31-Year Survivor: The World’s Longest Survivor of Pancreatic Cancer

Elise Roth Tedeschi
Elise Roth Tedeschi: Pancreatic Cancer Patient Story. A Strong Self Advocate For Herself and Other Patients

Duane "Dewey" Hill
Early Detection and Tailored Treatment Made a Difference for 7-Year Pancreatic Cancer Survivor & Veteran Duane “Dewey” Hill

Robert Miller
28-Year Pancreatic Cancer Survivor Robert Miller Believes Diet, Lifestyle Changes Were Key Contributors to His Long-Term Survival

Mark Ruegg
A Miracle in the Making: How Hope Redefined Mark Ruegg’s Experience With Pancreatic Cancer

Chris Davis
Persistence & Hope in the Face of Pancreatic Cancer: Chris Davis’s Story

Greg Adams
Self-Advocacy the Key to Diagnosis for 6-Year Pancreatic Cancer Survivor Greg Adams

Donna. Robinson
A Decade Ago, Doctors Gave Donna Robinson 3 Months to Live

Helen Davidson
One Step at a Time: 7-Year Survivor Helen Davidson Turns Love of Polka Into Funding for Pancreatic Cancer

Josh Leuchter
For Almost 7-Year Pancreatic Cancer Survivor Josh Leuchter, Arterial Involvement Led to an Appleby Procedure

Roger Royse
Roger Royse's Decision to Take an Early Detection Test May Have Saved His Life

Rick Groebel
Defying the Odds for Over a Decade: Rick Groebel’s Story

James Polich
Persistence Paid for 8-Year PNET Survivor Jim Polich

Bonnie Cohen
Pancreatic Cancer Survivor Bonnie Cohen Found Purpose in Mentoring Others

John Pfeifer
Initially Deemed “Inoperable,” John Pfeifer Now Lives Cancer-Free

Matthew Rosenblum
Matthew Rosenblum Pancreatic Cancer Survivor

Dave Smith
For Dave Smith, New-Onset Diabetes Preceded a Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosis

Mike Adams
The Surgery, and Surgeon, Who Saved Mike Adams’ Life

Dr. Patrick Theriault
A Medical Doctor Diagnosed Stage 1 in 2017

Barbara Bendlin
Building Strength, Accepting Help and Adapting to Life, Post-Surgery: Barbara Bendlin’s Story

Patty Younce
A 22-Year Pancreatic Cancer Survivor, Patty Younce Saw 5 Doctors Before Getting the Right Diagnosis

Richard Novell
Richard Novell Defies Multiple Odds

Steven Merlin
Steven Merlin: an 11-Year Pancreatic Cancer Survivor Makes a Strong Case for Second Opinions, Clinical Trials & Mentorship