Clinical Trial Funded By The Seena Magowitz Foundationnew-cancer-trailClinical Trial Funded By The Seena Magowitz Foundation

Clinical Trial Funded By The Seena Magowitz Foundationnew-cancer-trailClinical Trial Funded By The Seena Magowitz Foundation

Announcing The Launch of “THE PANCREAS Clinical Trial”

The “PANCREAS” Clinical Trial By the Medical College of Wisconsin
and Partly Funded By The Seena Magowitz Foundation

Contribting Writer
Tony Subia
April 8, 2021

The Clinical Trail, “PANCREAS”, Officially Launched April 2, 2021 is Led By Dr. Susan Tsai, The Associate Professor and Director of the LaBahn Pancreatic Cancer Program at the Medical College of Wisconsin.

The trial uses sub-typing of pancreatic cancer tumors to facilitate the selection of the specific chemotherapy individualized to each patient’s tumor at diagnosis. Using next generation sequencing techniques, scientists have recently defined pancreatic cancer as having two distinct molecular sub-types (classical and basal-like). Importantly, these sub-types may be predicative of response to the type of chemotherapy that may be the most effective chemotherapeutic agent for each patient’s type of tumor.

With generous support from the Seena Magowitz Foundation, and under the direction of the LaBahn Pancreatic Cancer Program at the Medical College of Wisconsin, the clinical trial utilizes state-of-the-art molecular profiling of endoscopic biopsy samples to determine the patient’s specific sub-type of a pancreas malignant tumor. Based on that tumor sub-type, a specific tailored chemotherapy program is applied prior to surgical removal of the tumor.

This clinical trial is the first to tailor treatment by pancreatic cancer tumor sub-type and will provide critically important information to further the understanding of personalized medicine. Researchers participating in the PANCREAS Clinical Trial is Dr. Erkut Borazanci of the HonorHealth Research Institute in Scottsdale, Arizona and Dr. Jen Jen Yeh, Vice Chair of The Research Department of Surgery at the UNC School of Medicine.

The official Title of the PANCREAS Clinical Trial is: “PurIST Classification-Guided Adaptive Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy by RNA Expression Profiling of EUS Aspiration Samples (PANCREAS)”

To Refer A Patient To The Clinical Trial: Contact Haley Heaviland at 414-805-8896

Read More Information About “The PANCREAS Clinical Trial” including inclusion criteria