Shows Promise For A Certain Type of Pancreatic Cancer

Shows Promise For A Certain Type of Pancreatic Cancer

A New Drug From Merus, A Drug Company Specializing in Immo-Oncology Therapeutics Targets A Genetic Abnormality Called NRG1 Fusion Found in Some Pancreatic Cancers. The Drug is Currently in Clinical Trial Showing Positive Results

Written By Carlin Kuhlmann
August 4, 2020

Merus, a drug company specializing in immuno-oncology therapeutics, has developed a new therapy that is showing early positive results in patients whose cancer has tested positive for a genetic abnormality called an NRG1 Fusion. The drug – Zenocutuzumab (MCLA-128) – is currently being tested in a clinical trial. Merus has enlisted the Seena Magowitz Foundation to help bring awareness to patients with pancreatic cancer who may benefit from this new therapy.

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the pancreas and is under the age of 60 or if your cancer has been analyzed through tumor profiling (also referred to as molecular profiling or tumor genomic profiling) and identified to have an NRG1 Fusion, please read this article for important information on this new therapy and how it may benefit you.

NRG1 Gene Fusion

Cancer is caused by genetic abnormalities in the DNA within our cells that stop them from functioning normally. An NRG1 Fusion is a genetic abnormality that causes overproduction of the protein NRG1. This stimulates tumor growth.

NRG1 Fusions exist in a very small number of patients with solid tumors (less than 1%) including breast, lung, ovarian, colorectal, sarcoma, bladder, gall bladder, renal cell, neuroendocrine, and pancreatic, according to a recent research study. The study also showed that pancreatic cancer patients who have NRG1 Fusions are under the age of 60.

A comprehensive DNA/RNA tumor profiling analysis can determine if an NRG1 Fusion, as well as other genetic abnormalities, are present in a patient’s tumor. This information can help guide treatment decisions.

Zenocutuzumab Targets NRG1 Fusions

The recently developed drug, Zenocutuzumab (MCLA-128), directly targets NRG1 Fusions, blocking their ability to drive tumor growth and survival.

Currently, Zenocutuzumab is experimental and only available through a phase 1/2 clinical trial. There is no FDA-approved therapy available to treat NRG1 Fusion-positive tumors. Though NRG1 Fusions are rare, Zenocutuzumab could be a game-changer for these patients. Early results of patients who have NRG1 Fusions and are treated with Zenocutuzumab show significant response. Within a matter of weeks, all patients experienced substantial tumor shrinkage along with a vast improvement in their quality of life.

eNRGy Clinical Trial – What You Should Do

Any patient with pancreatic cancer under the age of 60 should have a tumor profiling test to determine if an NRG1 Fusion is present in their cancer. Tumor profiling for pancreatic cancer is currently not the standard of care, so the majority of patients do not have access to it. Merus has initiated a program to provide the tumor profiling test through a partnership with Caris Life Sciences, a tumor profiling company, to determine if the NRG1 Fusion is present or if other genetic abnormalities are present that could make a difference in their treatment. This is available at no cost to the patient. A patient or their physician can request the test.

Patients whose tumors test positive for an NRG1 Fusion can enroll in Merus’ eNRGy Clinical Trial to be treated with Zenocutuzumab. There are currently more than 20 medical centers around the world that are enrolling patients.

Visit for more information on how to access tumor profiling and the eNRGy Clinical Trial for Zenocutuzumab or call 1-833-NRG-1234.

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