Ashkenazi Jewish Genetic Risk

Jewish people have been known to have a higher incidence rate of pancreatic cancer than the general population. The risk is even greater with those of Ashkenazi Jewish Heritage which are descended from Eastern Europe, primarily from Germany Regions.

While this increased risk could be due to a variety of factors such as diet and cigarette smoking, a growing body of evidence suggests that a significant portion of increased risk of pancreatic cancer in individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish descent has a genetic basis meaning these cancers are caused by inherited gene mutations.

Scientists and medical researchers at Sol Goldman Cancer Research Center at Johns Hopkins  are actively working to identify these genes and are developing therapies that specifically target the cancer cells with mutations common in pancreatic cancers.

The Sol Goldman Cancer Research Center has established a national registry with a dedicated focus on tracing familial patterns that identify inherited genetic mutations. They attempt to isolate genetic mutations that are responsible for the development of pancreatic cancer within races and heritage. Sol Goldman maintains a sub-registry for Ashkenazim Jews since there is a higher incidence rate among that heritage group.

Ashkenazi Jewish are also known as “Ashkenzic” or “Ashkenazim”are primarily from the Germany Region.

Read More On The Johns Hopkins Overview
Ashkenazi Jewish Ethnicity History