Digital Programing and IT Support
Supports The Foundation IT Needs, Web Development and Programming
An invaluable member of the Seena Magowtiz Foundation leadership team since 2010, Robert Rogers is the foundation’s go-to source for all things tech-related. From handling the foundation’s web development and IT needs to assisting with direct email marketing, fundraising and similar efforts, Robert has proven himself one of the foundation’s hardest-working champions, and his efforts have undoubtedly made a difference in the lives of countless pancreatic cancer patients.
A tech industry veteran, Robert first linked up with the foundation after signing on as a web developer and IT specialist for Tony Subia, the foundation’s executive vice president. Soon after, he met Roger Magowitz, the Seena Magowitz Foundation Founder and CEO, and his professional commitment took a personal turn.
It was a chance he took wholeheartedly. In the decade since meeting the Seena Magowitz Foundation team, he’s managed the foundation’s IT and webhosting efforts and served as something of a logistics coordinator, supplying members of the media and public with graphics and content ahead of major events or whenever the need arises. He is a regular attendee at its Seena Magowitz Foundation Golf Classic events, which are its largest yearly fundraisers.
In addition to his efforts on behalf of the foundation, Robert is a longtime champion of the arts. An ardent supporter of the Arizona Opera and a Valley Friends board member and a member of its Bravo! Committee, Robert is also an adrenaline seeker who loves hiking, scuba diving, and, up until the births of his two sons, skydiving and flying.
An Arizona transplant by way of Louisiana, Robert put down roots in the Valley nearly two decades ago where he went to work for Tony Subia, who owned Subia Creative at the time. In the time since, his technological skills have helped the foundation reach exponentially more patients and supporters, while his generosity and commitment to the cause have made an immeasurable impact on the entire pancreatic cancer community.